Bringing Cutting Edge Canadian Technology to the World
Ai Forte Solutions is a Canadian technology company that specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions for governments and businesses. We are a team of experienced professionals who have a track record of delivering successful projects for clients in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and government solutions around the world.
Through leveraging technology, we help countries grow their economies and improve their standards of living. The focus of AI Forte is on integrating and digitizing systems - bringing governments and organizations the advantages of a modern and efficient system.
In addition, AI Forte is proud to be leveraging its technical expertise and the passion of its employees in finding solutions for social and human challenges. We are currently supporting R&D technology for aid agencies to integrate digital identity, database management, and telemedicine.
We believe that technology is the key to multiplying and magnifying the impact of social benefit.
Simple. Beautiful. Life Changing Solutions.
Protect Communities. Building Trust.
CrimeShield is a state-of-the-art platform that provides a simple and efficient way for citizens to report incidents of crime, and for the police to respond quickly and effectively.
Ai Cybersecurity for the Web 3.0 Environment
CyberShield is a comprehensive and integrated set of technologies, Artificial Intelligence , and practices designed to protect digital systems, networks, and data from cyber attacks, unauthorized access, and other forms of cybercrime. It aims to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and information systems.
Simple. Beautiful. Life Changing Solutions.
Educational Access layer for institutions and nations
Our Digital Education Access Layer (DEAL) is a combination of technology components, which provide a single point of access to digital education records across the country by enabling different systems to exchange data in a standardized, secure, and reliable manner.
Health e-Information Access Layer + Mobile
Our Health e-Information Access Layer or HEAL provides a single point of integration to Electronic Health Records (HER) services, acting as the broker between external systems and the services which enable eHealth registries and repositories.
Compressively collecting and reporting online hate, bullying, and bias content
HateShield is a social technology platform which comprehensively receives, analyzes, and reports hate, bullying, and biased content found online. Our mission is to inform and educate stakeholders regarding online hate and our vision is to reduce online hate — to prevent real-world violence.
Identity, Database, and Electronic Access Layers + Mobile
Powerful solutions to help the worlds most vulnerable people. AI Forte is working on developing a Refugee Portal for refugees, vulnerable people, and marginalized communities.